Hattie is my dog of a lifetime. She is way beyond any text I can write.
I used to discuss with my dearly departed mum what we thought our perfect dog would be; Hattie is what we discussed.
My mum must have had a say in this, I love and adore every bone. She is my soul mate.
Hattie was the result of a very successful mating between Georgie – Bariclabs Bebop Alulah at Shaymiloney to Amberstope Blue Moon.
I really thank Janet and Lou of Amberstope for their help, friendship and absolute backing. I wouldn’t have the Shaymiloneys without their help.
Her show wins are so many that you need to link with champdogs on my show results page.
I feel blessed to have got such a special dog living with me, Anyone who knows me knows how special this dog is….