A selection of Norma’s critiques:

Black of excellent breed type, caught my eye when she entered the ring, head so feminine and so true to type, clean neck into a good lay of shoulders with correct length in upper arm, deep though chest with well strung ribcage, good front and strong rear quarters with well let down hocks which showed in her movement, in full bloom today and was in top form. I was delighted to award her the CC, RBOB and BOS. I don’t think it will be long before she gains her title
G Oulton, Darlington Championship Show, 16th September 2016

The Bitch CC was won by Hayley Brambles black, Shaymiloney Stormin Norma JW. This was a very popular and momentous first CC for both Norma and her breeder, Hayley, who I am sure is absolutely delighted with her win. Hopefully the next two CCs will follow speedily, for this lovely bitch has always shown great potential since she very first trotted happily into the show ring as a puppy. So good to see her coming to maturity and being justly rewarded.
Ann Britton commenting on Darlington Championship Show, 16th September 2016, in Our Dogs Breed Notes

Classy balanced black of lovely type. Kindest of heads, so sweet and feminine with good eye colour and shape. Clean neck, well angulated front and rear, well sprung ribs with firm topline. Strong quarters and well let down hocks. Moved with drive and purpose.
Sian Ellis, Three Counties Championship Show, 9th June 2016

Quality black with clean lines, melting head and expression, clean neck flowing into well placed shoulders, strong topline and correct tailset, carrying the right amount of weight, moved well.
Mary McCulloch, Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, 21st May 2016

Have admired this bitch from the ringside and very pleased to have the opportunity to go over her. She did not disappoint. Black bitch presenting a classic and very balanced outline with clean lines throughout. Kind head with gentle expression. Well boned. Good layback of shoulder leading into level topline which she maintained when on the move. Not quite in her best jacket but enough correct harsh coat present. Moved positively, covering the ground with minimal effort. Best of Breed. Very pleased to see her awarded G3 in a strong Gundog group.
Angela Mitchell, White Rose, 30th April 2016

Black who I really liked. Still a youngster and the best is to come. Good in type and balance. Intelligent expression and works well with her handler. Clean outline and well boned. Very good spring of rib. Firm topline which she holds on the move. Very sound all round. Not in best coat which showed on her quarters. This just pegged her back a little in the challenge but she was well up there.
Anne Taylor, WELKS, 22nd April 2016

This black has a head and expression to die for. Strong in neck and true in front, she has a well sprung ribcage with plenty of depth to her body and ample forechest. Level topline with a true otter tail. Very good in stifle and hock length. Double coat finished the picture. Showed well and moved true front and rear.
Ian Ganney, Midland Counties Labrador Club, 16th April 2016

I have admired this black bitch for a while, she is a quality bitch and has the kindest of heads (not overdone), she has a good spring of rib and short coupled, good length of neck leading into correct shoulder angulation. Nice tight feet and moved very well. Shame she forgot some of her coat today, but she has everything so awarded her the Bitch RCC.
Amanda Deane, Labrador Club of Scotland, 2nd April 2016

Eye catching well balanced black of excellent breed type who was on her toes to win this class. Loved her head and expression. Good reach of neck leading to well angulated front. Well boned legs and correct feet. Short through the couplings with a good spring of rib. Level topline. Correct double harsh coat. Well animated and covered the ground well. Will watch her progress with interest.
Joan Woodall, Gundog Breeds of Scotland, 14th November 2015

A well boned, top quality classic feminine black with everything in the right place and hopefully an exciting future, once fully mature. Coming along nicely. Happy showgirl. Strongly made with substance and without coarseness. Balanced throughout with good strong reach of neck. Clean shoulders and correct upper arm. Good angles front and back, with deep barrel ribs and level topline. Strong quarters and second thigh. Good otter tail carried well on the move. In excellent coat. Moved and handled well.
Ann Britton, Midland Counties, 24th October 2015

A solid and substantial black who still retains her femininity, lovely head and expression, good neck and shoulders, enough forechest, good topline and tailset, correct angulation front and rear, strong legs and good feet, sound mover.
Elaine Cannon, Border Union, 20th June 2015

Bitch RCC winner was Hayley Brambles black Shaymiloney Stormin Norma. I wish I had been there to see Hayleys excitement and joy at winning the RCC. I hope she wont mind my saying, but Hayley is benched next to me and over the years whilst she has had some lovely Labradors she has not had an easy time showing them. They were just so very beautifully respectful and well behaved in the ring yet try as Hayley did, they would not be cajoled into wagging, not even just a teeny weeny bit for the judge! WE all know what that is like!! It is SO annoying in a free standing breed. That look says it all, “Ugh, I’d far rather be at home, running round the fields than free-standing here, for a bit of sausage in a dog show ring!” We’ve all had it, and if you haven’t yet, believe me, you will!. There is nothing to do. If they wont wag, they wont wag! It is not in the breed standard that they have to wag, but it does look so much better if there is a glimmer of interest. Anyway, Hayley bred a litter from her bitch, sired by Marlene Heppers black dog Mardas Roman Republic JW and their black daughter, Shaymilony Stormin Norma has well and truly hit the show scene; born to wag! Hooray! Perseverance has paid off! Well done and well deserved Hayley.
Ann Britton commenting on Scottish Kennel Club, 15th May 2015, in Our Dogs Breed Notes

Mature black, Gorgeous head – so feminine with melting expression, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, straight front, good rib and level topline. Moved well and flowed round the ring. Not quite on her toes in the challenge. Must have a bright future. Bitch Reserve CC
Tracy James, Scottish Kennel Club, 15th May 2015

Young black bitch representing quality throughout. Pleasing feminine head and good eye shape and colour. Well laid back shoulders into level topline. Excellent spring of rib, and strong rear angulation with well let down hocks and tight feet. Excellent coat and tail. Covered the ground with ease. Best Puppy.
Mrs Einir W. Matulla, Manchester, 18th January 2015

Typy black bitch of good size and substance, feminine head of good proportions, dark eye and a lovely expression. Strong neck which fits neatly into shoulders, required angles both fore and aft at this stage and bodying up well, falls slightly over the croup at the moment. Stands on good legs and feet and moves positively.
Richard Bott, Boston, 9th January 2015